
The Nine Wonders of Ascoria: #7, Firefall Lake

Formed thousands of years ago from the caldera of a long extinct volcano, Firefall Lake is a wondrous sight to behold. Lush and vibrant, the forests and fields that surround this natural gem give little evidence of the region's violent past. The size of the crater indicates that at the height of its activity, the Firefall Lake volcano would have sent lava flows to the Northern sea and ash clouds across the continent.

Now, the ancient flows provide rich mineral deposits for local farmers, and annual flooding during the spring thaw ensures that year after year these minerals are replenished. Firefall Fields is known to produce some of the finest wines, an unusual feat for such a northern region. Legend has it that the ancient heat of the volcano still warms the ground which allows the grape harvests to flourish long after the summer sun has died.

At the heart of Firefall Lake lies an island which holds the ruins of an abandoned town, some 75 years vacant. Little is remembered of this settlement or its decline, but the area is considered cursed to live in, and few adventurous souls spend more than a few days on the island.

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