
Torn Journal Excerpt #104

I don't know who these people are, but they saved our scalps tonight. Another wave of void zombies attacked, as we expected, but there were other presences in the woods this night. A tricksome nature spirit came. It claimed to be the guardian of the island. I have no knowledge of the truth of this but I was not about to ask.

I had never been a superstitious man, but since landing on this accursed island I am beginning to think otherwise. At first I thought that someone was pulling a prank, but that voice, that ethereal presence. there can be no mistaking. It caused no harm, and led the strangers to our aid. It makes me believe our cause is true.  will be pleased with our work here, if we can ever get of this Gods forsaken rock. I will have to send for another boat.


Thursday's Session

Since it's been a while, we will be drawing plot cards at the beginning of the session, or as players show up. If you remember your cards and would like to keep those, this is ok. If you want to change them out, you can change one.

Since this is long distance it will be done by a fancy card shuffle/count that will make it as random as possible, all things considered.


New Trait Class - Designations

I have been dabbling with the idea of a new class of traits, Designations.

These would work like regular traits, in that each one could only be taken once. However, any number of designations could be earn by the player as they progress through a campaign.

There are currently five basic designations - Pilot, Driver, Helmsman, Navigator, and Engineer (not to be confused with the Engineer class). Each of these designations has three levels of progression, 3rd through 1st Class, or Novice/Journeyman/Master.

These designations confer skill check and other bonuses to the player due to their specialized knowledge in their individual fields of designation.

Take a look at the document I've typed up explaining how these work, and leave some comments on what you think, if you like them, would add other designations, or if you have any suggestions on how to fix them up!


The Nine Wonders of Ascoria: #7, Firefall Lake

Formed thousands of years ago from the caldera of a long extinct volcano, Firefall Lake is a wondrous sight to behold. Lush and vibrant, the forests and fields that surround this natural gem give little evidence of the region's violent past. The size of the crater indicates that at the height of its activity, the Firefall Lake volcano would have sent lava flows to the Northern sea and ash clouds across the continent.

Now, the ancient flows provide rich mineral deposits for local farmers, and annual flooding during the spring thaw ensures that year after year these minerals are replenished. Firefall Fields is known to produce some of the finest wines, an unusual feat for such a northern region. Legend has it that the ancient heat of the volcano still warms the ground which allows the grape harvests to flourish long after the summer sun has died.

At the heart of Firefall Lake lies an island which holds the ruins of an abandoned town, some 75 years vacant. Little is remembered of this settlement or its decline, but the area is considered cursed to live in, and few adventurous souls spend more than a few days on the island.



The Sapphire in the North

The Blue Keep of Dacton gains its name from the river and delta which it guards. Its high crenelated walls are actually a deep attractive shade of red from the mineral rich clay harvested from the Blue delta. These are the same clays which are used to make the pottery for which this region is famous.

Regent Mallory currently presides over this bustling port city and is responsible for the maintenance of several prominent trade routes. Coordination with the major trading companies, such as Ascorian Imports and Trades and the Kelpwater Company, enables Dacton to be the unrivaled hub of the Central Seaways.

Though it is a burgeoning metropolis, Dacton knows a relative peace because of the excellent efforts of the local sheriff and the Blue Keep's garrison. "The Sapphire in the North" is a beautiful and eclectic city quite worth the visit.


Npc bio for prince Thorgrim added.