
General Startup Info

Some important preliminaries:

-This campaign will be run in Pathfinder.

-Each character will start at level 1. However, later on there will be the ability to do a sort of character tree. This is so that I can get comfortable with GMing as well as determine if there is large enough interest to continue.

-All Pathfinder races and classes are ok with a few exceptions. No on may play a character with an extra planar (outsider) race or bloodline, as well there is limited access to extra planar magic. That being said, If you have an idea for a character that involves either of these, still run it by me. You may be able to use it as a later character, or if you are clever, you can justify it from the start.

- Think about what faction you would like to be. Most of you will be starting as Keepers (total rail-road, I know), but this doesn't mean you can't have mixed allegiances. Each faction comes with nifty bonuses for membership, which I will discuss with you privately once you've made a decision.

- I would like people to pass their ideas by me in two stages. First, when coming up with a concept, I may be able to suggest factions, some of which are not listed in the Background. Second, once the character is created, so I can see what everyone has come up with (I'm super nosy like that).

- I have no preference for stat rolling style, but I would like us to come to a consensus. Message, email, or post your preference.

If there are any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.

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